Originally Posted by marie
I had lights on my tank right from the beginning, just so i could see all the stuff on the rock but some people will probably say it's better to cycle the tank without lights.
Once fish are in the tank they will probably prefer some kind of light during the day (just so they know when to go to bed  )
and last, I try to keep some kind of lights on for 12hrs a day just because the daylength is fairly constant at the equator where most of our tropical stuff comes from.
I did the same. It's neat to check out all the life that comes in on your live rock when you are just starting your tank.
I have my actinics on for aboout 12.5 hrs / day while my MH is on for about 10.5.
As Marie said, the moonlight insn't necessary but they are kinda cool. I have one (actaully 2 LED's) on my tank and it gives me the opportunity to view the tank after the "sun goes down".