Hi Matthias,
Ok, I need your help, I don't understand the following:
I have both the float sensor and the optical sensor. Both of them are connected to the Y-splitter. Both of them are positioned in my sump and my desire if to switch off Water 1 (Eheim pump) if one of them registers that the nominal level is attained.
If I set the Profilux to the Operation Mode: 2 independent adjustment cycles, I see that both sensors work, since the optical sensor = Water 1 and the float sensor = Water 2 and when I trigger either one of them (nominal value attained), they both do what they should do: cut the power to the associated socket.
Only problem, is that I want both of them to control the socket outlet Water 1. How can I do this ???? It's pretty much useless if I can only control Water 1 and Water 2..since how am I going to turn off my Eheim pump (that is on outlet Water1) ???
Can you please help !
Thanks !