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Old 08-18-2007, 03:22 AM
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spencerC spencerC is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Lightbulb I need help with lighting!

Hi guys

Okay so i recently purchased a 75 gal tank/canopy/stand combo at Hidden reef.
It also came with 5 VHO lights.
(I can't remember any specs on the lights other then that they cost $48 each... anyone at HR that knows about my set-up know what lights they are?)
Anyways, I'm wondering how i should do the lighting.
I'll have the lights on a timer obviously,
How many hours should i have them on for...

a) when i get my live rock/sand in there curing for the first few weeks or so?

b) when i get my Fish in there as well?

Also, should i do some moonlight lighting?
Could i get something like this:

To just do some minor moonlight stuff?
Or is the tank just as well in the dark at night?

ps, the tank is in the basement so it will get next to no natural light.
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