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Old 08-18-2007, 02:50 AM
hawk hawk is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Terrace b.c.
Posts: 176
hawk is on a distinguished road

This is a mellow board, I don't see many threads getting out of hand or in need of locking (which thankfully doesn't happen often). Members for the most part are respectful of each other when disagreements occur. Every reefer has a different or more likely several opinion(s) on any given subject, so the occasional dust-up should be expected. I'm surprised there isn't more.
I use to frequent a billiard forum that allows any topic including politics/religion. In a real pool hall there was always a threat of getting a cue to the chops if you were too mouthy. In the pool forum there were no such constraints so it could get pretty wild. The funny thing is that two or three guys would go at each other over several days, until all of a sudden a new subject came up and all was forgotten and they carried on as nothing happened.
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