I haven't been on much recently,mostly due to summer and keeping busy with other things,so I haven't noticed much of a problem.Other than a recent incidence in the lounge that was handled fairly quickly.But I think a lot stems from there being so many different ways to have a successful tank,with more than a few of these ways working for some people but not for others.We need to keep that in mind when we read something being suggested,that in our experience didn't work.As an example I think we all for the most part,mix our water a day in advance.But a couple years ago I was at a guys place,who used to be on this board but is no longer with us.He checked his salinity,added salt to a jug or water,shook it up and added it to his tank.My jaw almost hit the floor,but he had a couple very nice healthy tanks.I never said a word,I wouldn't try it,but it works for him.
No matter how hard you try, you can't baptise cats.