This whole thread sounds like some sort suggestion for a get-together and have a group hug.
I embrace the idea...but conceptually impossible. This is why we have Democracy/Communism, Liberal/Conservative, Pro/Anti Homosexuality, and Tangs in a 50g/Tangs in a 100g.
I don't particularly feel abashed that these thread wars are showing up, since opinions are personal and oftentimes very sensitive.
To say that it's become a place for people to "flex their keyboard muscle" is presumptuous. If that was the case, I'd be an ________ for getting angry at someone who flips out at a thread for no reason, and some other regular members would be jerks for pointing out Mik_101 and bv_reefer's spelling flaws with their sarcastic ruthlessness.
That said, moderators can certainly do what they've been posted to do, but you have to treat a forum just like real life:
If you don't like something about human nature, ignore it and chuckle about it with a buddy over a beer.
Last edited by Moogled; 08-18-2007 at 12:54 AM.