niloc16 joined mar 06 post count 826
Der Iron Cheif joined oct 06 post count 1,383
sebae joined jan 07 post count 43
fishoholic joined may 07 post count 154
doug joined aug 01 post count 3,069 (staff)
reef raf joined aug 01 post count 7,673 (staff)
super fudge joined aug 01 post count 1,024
muck joined mar 04 post count 4,351 (staff)
christy5 joined aug 01 post count 5,231 (staff)
joe reefer joined jan 05 post count 961
ok so lets see here out of the 11 ppl posting here myself included (at the time i typed this)
4 ppl joined in 01 (my guess at the inception of this site)
1 person joined in 04
1 from 05
2 from 06
2 from 07
and myself (cant remember when i joined)
7 ppl have a post count near 1,000 or way over ( the lowest being 826 and highest being 7,673)
4 ppl are staffmembers of this site
and only 3 of us with considerably lower post counts
lets hear from the ppl that this post was directed at.........
times change this site is not going to be the same now as it was back in 01
the staff needs to see that and abapt with the change instead of just shooting down ideas of what members of the bord want to see.....
poll the members to see what they would like to see on the bord.......