Originally Posted by Skimmin
You may want to try is dropping your temp and salinity. I had the same problem at one time. I dropped my salinity to 1.020 and temp to 76. Another thing I also found that helped was adding lots of inverts and snails. I haven't had a single spot of that crap since I did these things. (in a 78gal tank I have approx 80 crabs and snails) I understand how frustrating it can be though. Good Luck!
I second dropping temp and salinity. I remember reading it in some book/literature. I tried it once and it helped
29G Biocube (top removed), 175w MH
torch, frogspawn, green candy cane, toadstool, zoo frag, xenia
percula clown, pigmy angel, yellow watchman goby, cleaner and peppermint shrimps