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Old 08-17-2007, 03:26 AM
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Default I'm loosing the war with GHA, help?!

Since May I've been fighting GHA, and it is still getting worse.

Here is what I have done so far, and now I'm just going crazy. I recently picked up an urchin, and while I thought he would clean the tank up nice, it seems he is only good at keeping it at bay, when he wants to eat it.

Here is the list:
1) Changed out all bulbs, everything is new now within 2 months.
2) Macro algae, I tried to avoid pruning it until it got to the point where it was almost too big for my 'fuge hoping that the bigger surface area would absorb more of whatever is triggering the GHA. It didn't seem to make a difference.
3) Switched back to RO/DI water
4) Manually remove the algae (I do this every 2-3 days and get 1-2 cups)
5) Running the tank with a reduced photo period, I now run for only 5 hours a day with MH for a total of 6 hours of light.
6) A Blackout period, I kept the tank completely dark for 3 days, there was no reduction in algae, and it got worse after I was done.
7) Run a phosphate remover in a high flow area, just below the return. I'm still doing this, now with a reactor.
8) Larger water changes, I do 10g over the course of a week.
9) Ensure all my water parameters are in order (see below)
10) Added additional members to my clean up crew, and added a longspine urchin
11) Removed my rocks, scrubed them all down and plucked them clean. Only three rocks weren't scrubed, but it was because they have clams on them. They were however picked clean.

I've tried asking for help, and got quite a few ideas, most of which I tried. This was the original request for help thread.
How else to do battle with hair algae

This is my tank thread, maybe there is something in it that is relevant.
My nano thread

All my water parameters are now stable at the following levels:
Temp: 80
pH: 8.2
SG: 1.025
Calcium: 420-440ppm
Alkalinity: 9-10 dkh, its perpetually on the cusp it seems.
Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia: 0ppm
Magnesium: 1280ppm.
Phosphate: 0 even though I know its still there.

The only fluctuations I see are in Calcium and Magnesium. Calcium can swing between 420-440 at the very most. Magnesium on the other hand does have a bit of a bigger swing, it fluctuates between 1200-1280ppm. My sand is new within the last 6 months, it was washed very well, the rock all came from my 230g and its age varies from 3 years to 6 months old. The rock has never been out of water for more them maybe 30 seconds.

What else can I be doing? I am litterally going crazy with this stuff. I feel like I'm out of options. Sometimes I feel like I am at the point where it is a hopeless battle. I have to clean around some of my clams every day to prevent them from being swallowed alive.

Make any suggestions, but please explain why your making the suggestion, and how it will hopefully solve the issue.

I glue animals to rocks

Last edited by michika; 08-17-2007 at 04:17 AM. Reason: typo
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