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Old 08-15-2007, 04:36 PM
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surgeonfish surgeonfish is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Lethbridge, AB
Posts: 284
surgeonfish is on a distinguished road

I have used both the ASM G series and EuroReef skimmers and they are great. The EuroReef has better construction but both are low maintenance and basically are plug-and-play with no adjusting needed. I would go as large as possible but make sure it fits in your sump.
300 gal starphire custom built in pentagon reef (+90 gal sump on Blue Line 100 HD return pump, 210lb LR, Euro-Reef RC250 skimmer, 2x400W MH, 2x28W compacts, 2xTurbelle classic 4002 pumps & Turbelle Stream 6100 on 7095 Multicontroller, running ZEOvit)

Fish: damsels; sailfin, yellow, regal & naso tangs; ocellaris & tomato clowns; lyretail anthias; foxface lo; flame angelfish
corals: a few
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