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Old 08-14-2007, 08:40 PM
argileh argileh is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Burnaby, B.C.
Posts: 61
argileh is on a distinguished road

I recently purchased a webcam ($29) and included in the installation CD was a program called ORB. If you install this program on your PC or laptop you can use it to watch from afar. All you do is go to the designated website (forgot the name) log on, and you can view what your webcam sees. You can install it on a laptop and have it pointed at your tank. No subscription required
29G Biocube (top removed), 175w MH
torch, frogspawn, green candy cane, toadstool, zoo frag, xenia
percula clown, pigmy angel, yellow watchman goby, cleaner and peppermint shrimps
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