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Old 08-14-2007, 08:04 PM
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michika michika is offline
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Default Watching your tank from afar (webcams)

Lately I've been starting to research methods through which I can check in on my tank from afrar.

I thought I would share some of my research, and invite some criticism, or discussions on alternatives, etc.

For starters I looked at methods of delivery, so far I've found Telus' Homesitter program, at $10 a month, its pretty affordable. (

The downside of this program seems to be that only the user with the password and username may sign in to take advantage of this service. There is also a cost associated with having to purchase equipment for this. Positives are the cost, and it appears to be easy to set up, and simple to maintain.

I've also be looking at equipment, but since I'm not overly savy when it comes to certain technologies, I'm a bit stumpted here. A fellow member on Reef Central was courteous enough to forward me the following links for underwater cameras, or in the least a starting point for me to begin my search.

I'm still at the point where I am researching equipment and delivery methods, but I thought now is a good place to see if anyone else is or has looked into this.

Mods, if this is more appropriate in the photography forum, please feel free to move it.
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