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Old 08-13-2007, 06:14 PM
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PoonTang PoonTang is offline
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Originally Posted by SuperFudge View Post
Its not odd at all, if you bought a crappy car off the lot without doin your homework, would it be the salesman`s fault ?

All it would take was, typing "seaclone" into the search function feild up top and youd get more than enouph to make an informed decision.

This is what we are all trying to do here...our homework. Now if i were to do a search here and not find anything negative about seaclone (because the mods had deleted all the posts) then I would assume they were OK. So logically my next step is to go to the store, say store X for example, and ask the salesman. Hey buy one of these Seaclones he says, there greeeat. Well gee Ive never heard of anything bad said about these salesmen on Canreef (because the mods have deleted all the posts) so i guess it must be a great skimmer like he says.
Now i realize that its pretty hard for the board owner and mods to be all thing to all parties but if a board sponsor is running a crappy business and pushing crappy products then the board users should have a right to know and the store owner better pull up his socks.
Pretty soon we may not even be able to mention which livestock is good or bad. Green peace will say that Aptasia is a valuable anemone and sue us.

Last edited by Aquattro; 08-13-2007 at 06:17 PM.