Originally Posted by rigger11
ya know maybe there should be a section for ranting and allowing others on this bord to be informed about how some ppl have been "riped off, or mistreated" by some of the stores. make it a members only section where the vendors or sponsors are not allowed to go. cause really as stated be for we shouldnt be "throat tied" and should be allowed to warn eachother of the deals gone south...
Does it not matter how we explain it? Please READ my posts again. Its us left to clean up the mess after posting about "riped off", "mistreated" or ranting. Who do you think does it. The magic clean up goblins.
We have to answer to these buisness,s. Not to mention the fallout from members. I told you we are still dealing with the one from last week and now this. Ranting on the thread, pm,s, you name it. You need to see behind the scenes to understand.
I,m not sure what else we can say, so you understand. Check out most other boards. What you propose would be shut down fast on "most". I wonder why this is.
By the way, I deleted posts that mentioned stores, {even though they were ok}, as it was mentioned here that some may read it wrong. Please leave any store reviews, good or bad, out of this thread. It will remain open for now, if anyone has a point to make and as we would like to make our thoughts and board policy,s clear without just saying this is the way it is.