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Old 08-08-2007, 11:10 PM
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Chad Chad is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Surrey
Posts: 1,031
Chad is on a distinguished road

My Rose BTA got sucked into my Tunze twice in the past month! The first time it got ripped to shreds nicely. He crawled out on his own but the tank was going blastic. Did a massive water change etc, ran carbon. The tank skimmer etc returned to normal after about 4 days. The rose then hid for a while, then one day I had two Roses BTA's.. Then a day after the largest of the two decided to go into the Tunze again. Turned it off, and again he crawled out on his own. Needless to say.. I wasn't too happy with how my month has been going

Currently I have two healthy Rose BTA's now. fully recovered it seems and eating well. yay!

Hopefuly your tank clears up for you.

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