So the urchin is doing a pretty good job. He completely cleans off the rock or clam shell were he stops. He moves in a very jerky fashion over my rocks so we call him Lurchin Urch.
Since my last update I've changed how I administer my phosphate spong. I switched my kalk. reactor from my DIY phosban reator back to my old kalk reactor with a stirrer from the 230g. I'm now using the phosban reactor to run Rowaphos and hopefully it will make some sort of difference.
I'm trying to be better about photo documenting changes in my tank, so I plan to take a photo every couple days, or a week, for a month and then I will have a visual and data record to refer back to.
This photo is from today, day 2 of the phosban reactor, and day 4 with Lurchin Urch.