Welcome to BC. I live in Kelowna, and ya, A.J's is the only one in Vernon with salt water, and yes,. Slightly expensive all around.
There is Reefkeepers in Kelowna, they just built a shop in their back yard, dedicated to the store. They have 2 very nice display tanks, and about 8 breeder tanks with livestock for sale as well. They have the usual, Chromis, Damsels, Yellow Tangs, Clowns, and then ever few weeks, they get a batch of nicer fish...
Best bet is as MacheteAvenue said, make a weekend trip to the lower mainland. Get great deals there.
HiddenReef in Abbotsford, J & L in Burnaby, Ocean Aquatics in Ladner/Delta, thats just a few i know of, and that i frequent..
Last edited by cav~firez22; 08-05-2007 at 04:29 PM.