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Old 08-05-2007, 05:23 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
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Okay, since I have found my camera (it was being a ninja behind the store computer), here's a few updated shots taken tonight.

First off, a few things I grabbed from Cyril's:

Yellow Scroll Coral - I dunno, if it doesn't color up in a couple months, I'm going to see if Cyril's cool with me selling this thing.

Branching Hammer Coral - There's some damage to the polyp that exposed the skeleton, but you can't see a hint of it during the day. I'm not too concerned now that it's looking so damn healthy.

Brown Galaxy Coral - About as exciting as the live rock around it... This guy gets to sit behind the rockwork when I start adding nicer coral. Yeah Galaxy!

Porcelain Crab & bleached out RBTA - Angriest crab on the planet. His (yes, it's a he) anemone should make a recovery over the next few months.

Istiblennius sp. - Grumpy looking bugger eh? I'll get a better shot of him when he decides he's not going to be a bastard.

Here's a shot of the skimmer:

I cleaned it about an hour ago. Pretty impressed so far. Wish it didn't cost me an arm and a leg though...

Okay, here are the corals I added a couple days ago:

Green Acanthastrea

Red/Blue Acanthastrea

Green/Red Acanthastrea

I glued all these down with the Korallen-Zucht Speed Glue. This is a GOOD product. Totally outclasses epoxies as far as I'm concerned. Around the same price too. Comes in a powder form, easy to prepare, and easy to mold. As an added bonus, it cures looking all textured, much like bleached live rock. My coral didn't recede where it contacted the adhesive either.

Okay, now for the full tank shot:


I need more coral... Well, more to the point, I need more coral that doesn't look like junk. I'll probably snag some of the Ricordia's at the store tomorrow. That and maybe a small frag of Acro.

ATTENTION NATE - Did you ask Dave about that Acan yet??????

Oh yeah, before I forget to mention it, the Zeovit has totally vaporized the hair algae that was growing all over most of the rocks (the white ones weren't from Cyril). Wish I would have taken a before shot, but oh well, y'all iz juz goin 2 tak3 mah w3rd 4 iT kkZ??!1?
This and that.

Last edited by albert_dao; 08-05-2007 at 05:27 AM.
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