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Old 08-04-2007, 03:27 PM
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revgeoff revgeoff is offline
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Location: Ladner, BC
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Default Seahorse buddies

Well, my 30gal seahorse tank is doing very well after almost a month. So far the inhabitants are:
4 Seahorses, 2pipefish a seahare (sooo ugly it is cute), an urchin, a clam and a brittle star to pick up the left overs.

Does anyone have any suggestions on some buddies I can put in the tank? Would a couple of Cardinals be ok? Any specific gobies?

Just so you know, its a 30gal cube (more or less anyway) with a 250W MH over the top. Obviously I don't have a ton of flow as well.

Thanks for any suggestions!
220gal reef, 12gal nano reef (in office), 3dogs, 1cat, 2kids, no money.
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