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Old 08-04-2007, 02:58 PM
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revgeoff revgeoff is offline
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Default PC lights for sale.

Ok, I guess I should get rid of these:

48" Coarlife 4x65W. Two of the bulbs probably need replacement the other two have been used for 5 months. Comes with the legs as well. $110

24" Coarlife 2x65W. Yes it has legs too! One bulb is about a month or two old and the other is brand spankin new. $95

...and last but not least...

48" 2x65w fixture with bulbs. Both bulbs have been used for less than three months. $60

That is it. I will post if what is sold. Thanks for lookin.
220gal reef, 12gal nano reef (in office), 3dogs, 1cat, 2kids, no money.
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