Getting out of Hobby, CGY
As said, everything is located SW Calgary. If you want a good number of things, delievery can be an option.
All my equipment must go. I have cleaned, inspected and tested every device and are all almost new condition and in working condition.
Aquaclear 70 $20
Aquaclear 50 $10
Aquaclear mini $5
Refugium with Azoo light (Aquaclear 70) $30 (Hold)
100w Heater $free
150w submersible heater (marineland brand) $10
Air pumps 4 available. $10 for all
Sieo 1100 w/ all accesories $40
Sieo 820 $30
Aquaclear powerhead (202) $5
Remora Skimmer $65
36" dual strip PC fixture $20
Box of chemicals: (ammonia tester, KH tester, nitrite tester, calcium tester and phosphate tester) Paid I figure around $60 for these, all are used much. $15
Box of lava rock free
Box of decorations including silk plants, decorative rocks, and a 12" piece of driftwood $10
All the left over stuff like filter sponge, siphon hoses, bulbs, viles, carbon, etc are free to who ever wants to go through them, IFF you are already purchasing something from me.
All prices are OBO.