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Old 08-02-2007, 02:18 AM
LoneStar LoneStar is offline
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Location: San Antonio, Texas
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I'm going to piece it together, only to match what I want to hook up.

Thanks for input. It pretty much matched what I was thinking. I work with electronics everyday and it will be a piece of cake to connect this controller

As for all the cables I need, that answered it pretty well. So it looks like (1)Tunze 1 and (1) Tunze 2 cables, (2) YL2-1 Spliters, and (1) EVG-AP-2F.

Since I still have a bunch of other expenses in order to get the tank running, these items will take me a long ways. Once I get the equipment withdrawl, I may take a stab at getting some more goodies for it. Thanks for the help! I hope this will help others when researching the Profilux II.

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