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Old 08-01-2007, 01:01 PM
Chaotic Cricket Chaotic Cricket is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In a house
Posts: 86
Chaotic Cricket is on a distinguished road
Default Will part out if no one buys by this weekend

If you are interested in anything let me know, my buddy is willing to take the time to part out everything, but liverock and fish must go before equipment as per usual. Fish must go before liverock or with liverock. send me a message if you are interested and i will let you know the price. I'll do 50 for the fish (minus yellow tang he jumped out yesterday, and the clown which is already spoken for) liverock i will let go for 350 or so, which works out to about 2 bucks a pound or less...)
I would still like to sell everything at once so if you are looking for a complete system it is good, its not the best but it is definitely a decent system. Everything quite healthy, new hamilton bulbs (two months) 1 new extra 10000k bulb, hamiltons are 14k. make me an offer, will not drop below 750 for everything though.
In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
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