Originally Posted by Whatigot
WOW, so this is customer service for you guys at hidden reef?
I love how your focus is on the fact that I metioned this on a public forum where everyone can see rather than on the fact that your company failedone of your customers.
I think it speaks quite clearly on the management at HR and the real values of the guys running the show.
I post on all these reef forums, I shop ALOT and I am on the internet frequently so I am surprised after reading some good tings about you guys that this is what the mentality is.
who cares if you overcharged one guy 15 bucks right? as long as he doesn't post and make it public.
what do you think is more detrimental to your store, me posting the question asking why it happened or your complete inability to do anything but insult me and make me regret ever driving the 25 minutes to what i thought was a reputable dealer?
I considered this a non issue, just an annoyance, but now you have made it personal for me.
I am not the one who has done anything wrong here, you have.
thank you for exposing what is really hidden at hidden reef, i will do my best to make sure people are aware of what they can expect if they shop there.
Wow, step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath. You were just told to give them a phone call, why don't you do that and get the whole mess staightened out?