What I do when i am on vacation or just as a top off.
20 L plastic container from my water cooler: free
3 feet of airline tubing: 1.50
a ballvalve: 4.00
refill the plastic bottle at RO H2O station 2 blocks from my house: $1.50
I put the bottle on my bucket of seasalt (so its higher then the sump) then I start a syphon from the plastic container to the sump, and set the valve so it drips a drop every second or two. l leave it behind the tank and make sure to seal off the big plastic bottle so it does not evaporate. For a few weeks you are set, as it evaporates the water drips slowly into the sump and refills it with premium water!
'07 BMW 335i twin turbo
'00 Ford Excursion 12" Lift on 38's
'91 Acura NSX I/H/E
'02 Regal 1900 LSR
'07 110 Gallon with too many mods to list!