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Old 01-05-2003, 03:12 PM
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Dez Dez is offline
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I don't think selling xenia is a crime Bob... at $10 or $15 bucks a frag... People love 'em....especially the pulsing variety. It's my wife's favourite coral.

I bet that if there were a ton (maybe 30 or more) of xenias at any fish store in Edmonon at $10 - $15 a frag. They would be sold out within a week. Almost guaranteed. I work in a fish store and I know they would sell.

Xenia is a tough shipper....that's probably why you don't see em at many lfs's. Unless you are all out in the hobby, many people love to see things reproducing in their tanks. Especially if it's just a softies tank...they aren't really an aggressive coral to other corals (unless it's in a stony tank).

Maybe some of the more advanced hobbyists don't like em....but in the right tank...they are awesome...

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