Anenome & Clown Question
I have a 7 month old clown fish (ocellaris) sp?? and a fairly new beautiful white w/ neon green tips anenome. I"m having a hard time getting the anenome to stay put and I've heard about and seen one anenome attach and stay if they are being hosted in by a clown. My clown is currently decided that he wants to host in the condylactis or underneath it (sp?)
Any suggestion for getting my clown to take to the anenome. I have a 60 Gallon display without a sump so it's not easy to keep him and the anenome "segregated" in a small area. I was thinking I could move the rock the anenome's on and the clown into a large bucket for a few hours or take the condylactis out and put it in my pre-mixed salt water bucket and put the anenome where the condylactis was????
P.S. Can someone tell me how to get the little aquarium month ticker on my profile.