Originally Posted by Jenndarlin
The other day I was moving a GSP Rock which I had noticed one or two of the "small milipede, catepillar" type creatures climbing on the night before. I picked up the rock and felt a little sting but not too bad but then when I pulled my hand out of the tank I could feel something like "stinging nettle" well i looked at my finger and it was COVERED in tiny almost translucent white "nettles". Took me over an hour to pull them all out with tweezers. got a tiny bit of blister but I thought that was probably more swelling from the sting.
Is this charachteristical of the bristleworms or does it sound like something else???
definitely bristle worm, scotch tape helps pull out the bristles. I don't usually get much of a reaction from bristle worms, hydriods on the other hand can make me intensely itchy for weeks