Dosing sugar works but else than starting from very little amounts there are some other things that you should pay attention. After consuming nitrates and phosphates bacteria dies and establishes a film on the surface. If you remove this film phosphates and nitrates will be removed. To be able achive this you need a good surface skimming and a realy realy good protein skimmer. High bacteria population depletes the oxygen level so a good PS helps you out . Photesynthetic microalgae provides 40-50 % of coral's nutritional need. When you reach zero nitrates and phosphates corals will starve to death if you don't feed them with appropriate food. Also you should take the power outages into consideration. If you don't have a supplemantal solution for power outages oxygen level will go down very fast because of the high bacteria population and your animals will saphocate. If the reason for high nitrates and phostphates is your equipment or system i don't recommend you to dose any types of carbon source including Zeovit. I think Italian Blue coral method is safer than dosing only sugar. Since it is a homemade recipe that contains sugar as well else than reducing nitrates and phosphates it provides a good food source for the corals.
Last edited by kadaytar; 07-26-2007 at 05:02 AM.