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Old 07-26-2007, 03:39 AM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post

Did you take any before or after photos? I know you said you stopped dosing in your original post, but how did you do it? Did you just dump it into a high flow area? How did you decide how much to dose? Is there a calculator out there, like there is say for alkalinity, or calcium?

I must apologize , I did not make any photos and started dosing acting on the hunch and no particular calculator. yes in the high flow area
However I wanted to try and see the effect on small dose versus a large one so I was dosing a ½ of tea spoon in cup of RO/DI water and then half a cup went in 6 gal and second half in 60 gal so there is 10 times deference in water volume.

First time I just dropped sugar in my Nano skimmer out flow and it (Sugar) end up right on top of my SPS frag, I was a little upset with my own stupidity but, this sps frag was the one that displayed better polyp expansion 3 days later.
Neon green open brain coral in the same 6 gal Nano tank shriveled and even though I discontinued dosing still not opening now (5 days after)
Some red slime was immediately gone .
That was all I could see in the small 6 gal tank.

In 60 gal tank was even less effect (obviously), all I noticed was disappearance of the red slime (I had very little, tiny spot on one of the pipes) and that’s it did not see any reaction from corals and or other live stock.
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