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Old 07-26-2007, 02:29 AM
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mwarf mwarf is offline
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Default Moving Aug 15th - Great Deal for FULL SETUP

I have to move August 15th, and the people who bought my house don't want my aquarium. My aquarium maintenance guy can't schedule a move in time (to Lethbridge) - so I'm selling it super cheap!

Here's the techy stuff:

Power Compact Lighting w/ Moon lighting for nighttime coral growth

120 Gal Dual Overflow Tank

Protein Skimmer


UV Sterilizer

75 Gal Sump / Refugium

90lbs Live Rock

Feel free to Google the following fish for pics:
Emporer Angel
Flame Angel
Powder Blue Tang
Purple Tang
Regal Tang
2 x Clownfish
2 x Cleaner Shrimp
Blue Starfish
Sandsifting star
Assorted crabs & snails
Dual live sandbeds.

The only thing you'll need to complete this tank is a move and a stand - blammo! Full setup valued over 5k.

I will not part this thing out, it will sell complete. If you know anyone handy with drywall to patch the hole where it currently resides, let me know!

$2,000 or best offer. Chris from Aquarium Enthusiasts (MedicDude on the Forum) could tell you more about types / brands - everything came from him and I'm out of town, so I can't check it easily.

Thanks for looking!
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Last edited by mwarf; 07-26-2007 at 03:10 AM. Reason: Didn't have price.
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