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Old 07-25-2007, 06:49 AM
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bv_reefer bv_reefer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Burnaby,BC
Posts: 734
bv_reefer is on a distinguished road
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-well i've heard numerous times about how vodka tends 2 diminish phosphate
and nitrate levels 2 undetectable amounts. -if i read correctly the bacteria
use carbon from vodka and then the bacterioplankton is skimmed outta the
aquarium. but then RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH first!! dose can be benif-
icial or lethal.
33g fowlr / 20g sump / 400 watt pendant / Euro-Reef RC80~~~~lavendar tang, lemon butterfly, snowflake eel, hawaiian spotted puffer, tomato clown, chomis..

My reef~
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