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Old 07-25-2007, 01:14 AM
Stoll Stoll is offline
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Location: Penticton, B.C.
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Default Moving in 2ish weeks... Gauging interest

I'm looking at selling off my system, likely once I move down to Maple Ridge on Aug. 12th. I'm starting a new job there and I won't have the time or energy to get my 75g system to where I want it.

I do have some livestock to deal with depending on the interest on the equipment, but that should happen pretty quick once we're moved.

The equipment I have available is as follows and is 1.5 years old unless noted otherwise:

75g reef equipped glass tank w/ center brace, bulkheads and overflow plumbing. no scratches or leaks (48" long x 21" tall x 18" wide) - $160

Custom made stand (by myself of course)
materials alone were $125 asking $85

30g tank - 3 divisions (sump w/ DIY glass baffles) - $25 *SOLD*

Coralife 4 x 65w PC Fixture. 2 x 10K (3ish months old) 2 x actinic (need replacing) The fixture works fine, but one of the plastic endcaps is cracked. Probably able to get replacement from manufacturer.
As is w/ adjustable mounting legs incl. $75 *SOLD*

Coralife Super Skimmer 125
includes stock pump and outlet mod. $90 *SOLD*

2 x Seio M620 Powerheads $25 each

Quiet one 3000 pump $35 *SOLD*

2 x 250w Ebo Jager (Ehiem) Heaters
1 of which is a backup so hardly ever used $15 each *SOLD*

Coralife Turbo-Twist 3X UV Sterilizer - 9W
used for approx. 5 months
includes Maxi-jet powerhead (160gph?) $85

All of this equipment should be available shortly after I move. I will not be shipping anything and everything is on a first come first served basis.

Also, all of the fish have been spoken for except for the Virgatus Rabbit and the Yellow Tang. I will post a separate thread in the livestock section to try to get those 2 new homes.
Contemplating a Cadlights System (34g) in the relatively near future...

Last edited by Stoll; 08-01-2007 at 02:07 PM. Reason: Adding Sold Information
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