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Old 07-25-2007, 12:58 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Default Jul 24/07 - Koralia Pumps in stock, all sizes

All models of Koralia are on the shelves. Lots of stock, killer prices, here's the upgrade to the old SEIO's that everyone's been waiting for.

Pricing is as follows:

Koralia 1 (400 gph @ 3.5 watts)- $32.00
Koralia 2 (600 gph @ 9 watts) - $40.00
Koralia 3 (850 gph @ 10 watts) - $47.00
Koralia 4 (1200 gph @ 12 watts)- $58.00

For anyone who hasn't tried them yet, here's a link to the product page:

Silent, reliable, wide gentle flow patters; these powerheads are definitely a great, cheaper alternative to the Tunze Nano Streams (which are also stocked at Gold Aquariums).
This and that.