Little Sugar dosing experiment.
I have two tanks (see description under my avatar).
Started dosing half of the tee spoon dissolved in a cup of RO/DI water. Half of the cup went to the 6 gal Nano and the other Half in to 66 Gal mixed reef.
Have been dosing for less then a week.
Pros Observed:
immediate change in both tanks such as
• Disappearing of the red cyanobacteria slime film on the some surfaces,
• Improved SPS polyp extension
• And increased skimming.(not foaming but actual skimmate got darker and thicker )
• LPS corals such as open brain would Not extend as it was before
• Goniopora only 30% open. Side note (Clown fish is trying to host in it, but it has done so before sugar dosing and coral would open immediately back to 100% after clown fish swim away, but now it will stay closed for longer time and newer open as much)
• Soft coral (some sort of green leather looking like ) would Not open, the other one I have is yellow umbrella is OK no change.
Sugar dosing does work however with mixed coral reactions. I have stopped dosing because of negative reaction of some corals mentioned above.
I you have SPS dominated tank I can see a small benefit, but this method would not substitute for regular maintenance and good aquarium care such as Strong lighting, small regular water changes, protein skimming and chemical filtration.
I know there are some great minds out there, any thoughts?