- Seeded the Zeoreactor with some stuff from the store.
- Added some 20ish lbs of rock from my friend's tank. I had to scrub a lot of hair algae off it though. Pretty queer.
- Rock came with to RBTA's. Whatever... I have test kits and loads of free time.
- Added a Koralia 3 and 4 to produce a gyre flow effect.
- Forgot the camera at the store.
- Yelled at my roommate for eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon and not cleaning it. I'm allergic to peanut butter. Cleaning it off the spoons is such a hassle. I don't know what the crap, but is it really that much more effort to run a spoon under hot water for 15 seconds while scrubbing? God. Why are people so lazy? I think it's cause they play too much WoW. That game is retarded. I watched my roommate/friend go from being a super mega pick-up artist/ladies man to a sedentary, unmotivated jack-hole because of WoW. Parents, don't buy this game for your kids. If you do, you've pretty much have gauranteed their untimely failure in academia.
- Stared at live rock and anemones until I was satisfied with the flow.
- Sat in front of the fridge for two minutes . I need to go grocery shopping. You can't make anything with ketchup, lettuce and mustard.
This and that.