Thread: Selling My Reef
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Old 07-24-2007, 06:11 AM
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Default Selling My Reef

I sadly must sell my reef because I am moving far out of town. I have a 24 gallon reef packed with snails, hermits, fish and mainly corals. There is well over 1000$ in livestock and I am looking to sell it all to an experienced hobbyist for 800$. If I cannot find a buyer for the entire reef, I will sell everything seperatly. The reef consists of approx. 25 lb of live rock packed with many large and small zoe colonies, mushrooms, a torch coral, a toadstool, cleaner shrimp, royal gramma, yellow watchman goby, many snails and fancy hermits,gsp, etc. etc.

Please msg me if you are interested. Sorry, not willing to ship. Thanks


24 gallon nano
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