Thread: 8 Gallon Cube
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Old 07-24-2007, 03:08 AM
frontline frontline is offline
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Thumbs up 8 Gallon Cube

New to Canreef. Been lurking around for awhile reading some amazing build threads. This is my first adventure into salt. Last tank i had was a 90 gal Chicild tank in my old basement suite. All was fine and beatiful till coming home to my roommate bathing in the tank. He was nearly drowned.
Just set this up the other night. A Oceanic Biocube 8. Hopefully this will tide me over till my 46 gal. bowfront is ready.
Thanks to the guys at Hidden Reef (mike\dan)

Ok so far. about 11 pounds of live rock and 4 pounds of live sand. comes with pc lighting. one 10000k,one true actnic blue 3 and two one watt moon lights. I love the idea of the plug and play set-up. So now just waiting for it to cycle. Any ideas for stocking?
It is currently in the kitchen for my g\f to get used to the idea of having a couple tanks in the house Only problem i can see so far is that the temp in my apartment building is pretty high. Tank is sitting around 80 right now.

oh and i also have a ten gallon with about 25 lbs of live sand and 11 lbs of live cycling in my office. A friend just wanted to join the bandwagon. My guess is that whatever ends up in there will eventually make it into my 46gal. I will leave that for another thread. Pictures to be up as soon as i find the cord for my camera. just moved.
Any ideas for stocking?
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