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Old 07-19-2007, 09:26 PM
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Default Lets talk about my dead fishes :(

So my wife just called me at work to tell me that I've had 2 fatalities today And things have been going quite well with the tank so far. 1 fish went carpet surfing and the other was stuck to my Seio 1500. I'm wondering about tank coverings. My light set up doesn't really allow for a canopy but I do have eggcrate on the top. There is a small section at the back on the right that has an opening in the eggcrate for my UV sterilizer (which will be moved to the sump this weekend). So has anyone had a fish go through eggcrate? I'm thinking he found his way through the opening at the back...but he was found in front of the tank??? The other thing is that it was a diamond goby that jumped out. I've never seen him come more than 6 inches off the bottom (the tank is 30 inches deep). What would motivate him to jump out? And the one stuck to the Seio, is it plausible that he was sucked up to it while still alive? Or is it more likely that he died for another reason and ended up stuck there?

Thanks for any insight

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