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Old 07-18-2007, 08:06 PM
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Default DIY Auot-top off in 4 steps

Ok this might seem stupid but it works. I thought of it my self because I always have evaporation. If you guys what to make one for your self one hear are the directions.

Tools/materials: 1 gallon milk container, Sicrorcs/Knife, silicone and air line tubing

Step 1- Take your milk container a wash it with water ONLY and clean it very very well with hot water to wash out every little bits of milk and kill the smell.

Step 2- Take your sicors/ Knife and make a hole in the cap of the milk container where you what your tubing to be. I made mine right in the middle. If the hole is to big no worries.

Step 3- Insert the tubing into the milk container cap. Just about 1 cm should be in the inner part of the cap.

Step 4- Put silicone around the air line tubing and where it enters the cap so there is no leak. Don't put silicone on the thread of the cap because if you need to open the milk container to top it of with water you can.

After you are done the and the silicone is dry make sure that the cap and airline tubing is facing toward your sump so gravity can pull it down. Make sure that the end of you air line tubing is just below the water surface in your sump so now if you have the smallest amount of evaporation the DIY top off will top it off.
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