Thread: LEDs
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Old 01-03-2003, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus
Neat stuff. Whatcha going to light with them?
not sure.. I basicly want to do some PAR readings on them and then see what kinda coverage I can get with smaller clusters.. if nothing else I will be selling some night lights that will last for 34 years buring 8 hours a day :shock: to recover some of my money

I am realy interested to see how much floressence that the 03 actinic LEDs will actualy bring out.
so I will also be setting them up on my tank and taking pics.. who knows if they are powerfull enuf I might light my bottom tank or the refuge with them to do some actualy preformance tests.. at pennies a day for a few LED's it might be a cheep way of lighting sumps and such if the PAR is strong enuf. Or even to use as spot lights in a larger tank to enhance show piece corals.

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