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Old 07-13-2007, 10:23 PM
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acanthastrea freak
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May be try lowering the prices, lots of people may be turned off from the retail prices. Even thou its says open to offers. If you give them a line to start out then you can counter offer. JMO

for example you can get the ozone unit that you have on Reef central for around 300 shipped
the mag 12 is going for around 60 shipped.

I know this hobby you can never get back what you put into it, lots of people get so angry when they say I can't believe its not worth any thing any more. Actually it is to the person selling for example a skimmer dies it really loose value over a course of 6 months the acrylic doenst loose its strenght. any ways good luck with your stuff. I'm actually looking for a mag 12 that is why I was asking.


p.s Do you have a pictre of the LED light or the mag 12 was the pre filter runing on the unit. what cond is the impellar, how hight were you pumping water to the tank with it...
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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