Thread: filter socks
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Old 07-10-2007, 11:53 AM
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Default 100 micron Filtersocks in Stock - Money Back Guarantee!!!

100 micron filter bags are available online at I keep these in the "Other" section of the site.

These are the same ones I have used them for about 1.5 years with a great deal of success. They keep your sump crystal clean (free of detritous) and control micro bubbles very well. I pull over 2000GPH through my 4' sump and not one micro bubble in the display.

You may not want the micron bags with the draw string that pulls tight around the pipe becuase when they clog with particulate, if the bag does not pull away from the pipe you can overflow your tank as the water has no where to go but up as the drain pipe is essentially clogged!

Get a 100 micron bag (the 50 micron clog too quick I have used them) with an internal plastic ring. This way, the water pours out through the top of the micron bag when the micron bag needs to be replaced.

Maintenance includes washing and rinsing them in warm water in the washing machine, no detergent or bleach recommended (well I do not use it and they wash up just fine). Depending on how much water goes through them, they can usually go 4-5 days before they have to be changed, then again for some people it is 3 days, and for others 7 days.

Note the packaging and handling fees do not apply to this item if you order it by itself without livestock. I will simply but them in a cardboard box and ship them however you prefer (courier or mail). At the same time, I can always include them with a livestock order.

Here is a picture of them in action. Worth every penny - that is why it is the only drygood I sell on the site.

Try them for a week and if you are not happy with them send them back to me and I will refund the original purchase price!!!!!!!!! (excluding shipping costs)


I'm out.
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