Hello Matthias,
I have followed all the instructions and am still not able to connect wireless. I cannot access the Lantronix WLAN-security settings page on iexplorer because I get a "cannot connect to this address" error, however, I have tried even with an unsecured network connection to connect wireless to the Profilux and I cannot connect! My router is a Linksys WRT300N wireless N broadband router and for the Profilux ip I use . I am ready to start pulling my hair out from frustration of trying different combinations of settings with no success of a wireless connection! This does not seem to be a very user-friendly device. It would be much simpler if (for wireless operation) the Profilux was already factory set with all the necessary conditions met and have self-configuration automatically performed initially via the RS232 connection as in true plug and play fashion. Please Help!