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Old 07-09-2007, 01:19 AM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post

The room is now a balmy 77 thanks to a better placed AC unit. Hopefully that will do the trick. I'm still convinced that its the heat in the room. The chiller instructions say that the ambient room temp can't exceed 95F and no doubt that was the problem although I'm thinking its more like 90F or so. Every time the chiller has blown a fuse it has been a hot day. The chiller is only 3 years old so I hope it doesn't need new coolant, previously it didn't really have to work that hard, just for a few weeks during the summer. Thoughts??
Could it be that this unit has a smaller cooliant tank capacity? And when all of the freon is already evaporated there is no more liquid to evaporate and heat will stop transfering from one side to the other.
Perhaps extra cooling will work (chilling the chiller LOL) if you take a cover off (be carefull it is hot !) you will se a balck round compressor just like behind your fridge if you blow some air on it with the fan it might help.
But still if ambient temperature will stay high it will be pushing this unit in to thermal shock. May be creating a draft will help a bit too just to help move this hot air away.
I wish you luck.
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