Thanks guys. Surprisingly, the tank is still pretty full looking even with the losses removed. I lost 3 bali colonies, 3 "mini" colonies and the rest were frags. The two most notable losses were my frags of Jesse's pink table and purple cross. Waa. Hopefully I can find replacements. Jason my tank still needs a piece of your Loisettae though (mine packed it in) as well as that other blue one that I dont' know the name of (you call it ultra blue on
After the heartbreaking wrasse/clam episode of a couple weeks ago (my ever inquisitive wrasse stuck his nose, clam shut and crushed his head, killing him) I'm just glad I didn't lose any fish (except for my nano neon goby

Thanks for the offers of frags, you guys are awesome. For now I think I'll just let the tank settle in and see what happens.
The jury is still out in zooland (aka the nano tank). All ricordea are gone as well as my neon goby

and cleaner shrimp. I'm not really sure where to go from there. I guess a big water change and siphon to suck out all the ricordea goo piles.
The room is now a balmy 77 thanks to a better placed AC unit. Hopefully that will do the trick. I'm still convinced that its the heat in the room. The chiller instructions say that the ambient room temp can't exceed 95F and no doubt that was the problem although I'm thinking its more like 90F or so. Every time the chiller has blown a fuse it has been a hot day. The chiller is only 3 years old so I hope it doesn't need new coolant, previously it didn't really have to work that hard, just for a few weeks during the summer. Thoughts??