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Old 12-31-2002, 01:05 PM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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I don't think I could photograph it very well. It looks an awful lot like cyano, but cyano has more cohesiveness. This, basically, is brown stringy "snot." Like cyano, it creates an awful lot of bubbles. It covers everything (and I mean everything ....even fish fins are not immune!) It builds up to the point it breaks off, then it floats and creates a thick mat atr the surface, which gums up the strainer on the overflow).

The annoying part is, you siphon it all out, and within hours it's back again. At least with cyano it gives you a day or two. Yesterday, I siphoned my tank clean three times.

I can't pronounce the word "dinoflagellates." Hence, my late night delerium ode to Mary Poppins...

I'm trying the kalk right now. My first attempt, I obviously didn't do enough, so now I've replaced all my topoff with kalk and we'll see what this does.

(DI-no-FLA-gel-ITS? Hmmmm)

Not much to do, but muddle my way through this like with any kind of bloom, and hope it peaks (and ebbs) soon....
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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