Thread: larger fish
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Old 07-03-2007, 03:52 AM
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I hate to say it but in a 65g you shouldn't have a tang. Really nothing less than a 90g is suitable for a tang as well as most other larger fish. The dwarf angelfish (like the flame/coral beauty/lemonpeel) would be a better choice. However like you said they might not behave themselves in a reef tank, also in my expirence I find they are a very hard fish to keep healthy. My friend had a coral beauty and a flame angel both of them died within a week of purchase A smallish (2"-3") foxface rabbitfish sould be ok in a 65g for awhile, but you might need to upgrade (in a year or so) as the fish gets larger.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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