larger fish
Hi guys, I have had my 65 gallon reef take up and going for about 10 weeks now, with livestock being introduced 4 weeks ago. Currently for fish I have two clowns, a fire fish and a solor fairy wrasse. I also have an anemone, couple of cleaner shrimp as well as Corals (mostly softies with some LPS)
I am looking for ideas for a larger display fish to add in along with two or three more smaller reef fish. I have had a couple of ideas what to add but their always seems to be reason to stay away. I have considered pygmy angels like a coral beauty or flame but been told its 50/50 when it comes to behaving themselves. Also looked at a yellow tangs. Does anyone have any suggestions what is a good larger fish for a reef tank.
I am in no big hurry to buy a larger fish just want to know what to watch out for and keep a lookout for at the LFS