Thanks for the compliments! My multibar angel did "initiate" the other angels when I first added them with a decent smacking. This only lasted a few days. After that phase, there have been no problems.
It was nice running into you the other day! I ended up buying a blue sided fairy wrasse. My girlfriend convinced me my corals weren't worth the risk with the other fish I was considering. I'm glad she was there

I'll post a picture of the wrasse and flameback shortly.
I actually ran 2x250W before, however the 250w ballast on the left suddenly malfunctioned. I had to get a new ballast, so I thought I might as well get a 400W since I was transitioning towards more SPS. This look wasn't intentional, but I'm glad you enjoy it!
With regards to dosing, my CA Reactor has been offline for a few months due to a malfunction with the pump, so I've been dosing ALK and CA as needed. Besides that, I do monthly or weekly water changes, depending on my schedule.
Here is my livestock list:
3 x Dispar Anthias
Multibar Angel
Flameback Angel
Golden Angel
Atlantic Blue Tang
Mimic Eibli Tang
Yellow Tang
Pair of Gold Stripe Maroons
Algae Blenny
Blue sided Fairy Wrasse